Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Using the 'Common Good' to harm the good of all

Using the 'Common Good' to harm the good of all
When its pointed out that what 'economic thinkers' mean by the 'Common Good', is bestowing privileges & benefits to some, at the expense of others, for the 'good' of the economy, their response is not to make a new effort in thinking from first principles to determine whether or not they've gone astray (from what?), but to diminish and discard everything that makes such thinking possible (metaphysics, causality, ethics, etc.), so as to carry on with their calculations without any inconvenient 'interference' from morality & virtue.

No doubt some of my xTweeters would reply "Well, that's just like your opinion, man", but sorry, no, it's the thinking of those who've brought about calamitous disasters of modern times by thinking as they do. For example, as I've noted often (such as here, and here, and here) the opinion of the 'common good' and 'greater good' that 'economic thinking' holds, is what was expressed by this Supreme Court Justice in 1837, that:
"While the rights of private property are sacredly guarded, we must not forget that the community also have rights, and that the happiness and wellbeing of every citizen depends on their faithful preservation."
Does that meaningfully differ from what my xTweeters espouse? It's very much worth noting that this wording comes from Justice Joseph Taney in his ruling opinion for the Charles River Bridge v. Proprietors of Warren Bridge (1837), and on hearing that opinion for the case he'd just lost, the famed senator and constitutional lawyer Daniel Webster, observed that:
"That's the death of property rights."
, which was an assessment that was shared by one of the deans of American jurisprudence, Chancellor Kent, who soon afterwards wrote in The New York Review:
"...A gathering gloom is cast over the future. We seem to have sunk suddenly below the horizon, to have lost the light of the sun..."
The reason why these two remaining Founders felt such a sense of gloom at the time of the actual culmination of the 'Classical Liberal' era, was because they understood that once the 'common good' was able to be used to justify infringing upon the individual rights of ANYone, then that principled understanding of Individual Rights and Property that America had been founded upon and protected by, would be stripped away, which would leave no one with any more claim to their actions and possessions than what force they could physically muster to cling to them, while simultaneously reducing their 'rights' to only those privileges that 'those who know best' might deem useful to grant to them, in service to their idea of the 'common good'.

To act against Property Rights is to support slavery and oppose individual rights, which is what made it the core of Democrat policy before & after our Civil War.

Some might reply "Come on now Van, you exaggerate!", but the fact is that it was again that very same sentiment that Judge Taney was expressing a few decades later, in his majority opinion for the Dred Scott case (the spark that lit the fuse to our Civil War), in which he held that it was right and proper to deprive a particular man or group of men of those privileges enjoyed by others, when 'those who know best' judged that they should be enslaved for their own good, and for the 'greater good' of the community.

And for those who'd say 'Come on now Van! The Civil War changed all of that!', I must sadly point out that while the outcome of the Civil War removed the possibility of men being labeled as actual slaves under our Constitution, the ideas that Justice Taney was expressing have dominated our colleges since the early 1800s. Those Pro-Regressive ideals easily survived our Civil War, and they handily fought off their last substantive opposition from 'The Right' back in Calvin Coolidge's administration. Those same ideals were also seen to be very much alive & thriving in FDR's administration, as with the infamous Gold Clause Cases which outlawed 'the privilege' of owning Gold in 1938. At the conclusion of those cases, a sentiment was again expressed that was very similar to that of a century earlier, when after the court's opinion was read that FDR's actions had prevailed, Supreme Court Justice McReynolds, gloomily stated that:
"...this is Nero at his worst. The Constitution is gone..."
And no, you can't say 'well we're still here, so obviously they must've been wrong!', as what we are left with here today, is little or nothing like the world that Daniel Webster warned was fading away.

Consider that at Daniel Webster's time, there was as yet:
  • No State Mandated Compulsory Education (and America had the highest literacy rate in the West)
  • No Federal Dept of Education (created by Republicans in 1863, and re-elevated by Carter in the 1970s)
  • No Civil Service Act entrenching a federal bureaucracy into continuous power
  • No Federal Regulatory Agencies
  • No Income Tax
  • No FED
  • No FBI, FDA, SEC, or any of the other hundreds of agencies that make up the Administrative State
  • ...etc., etc., etc.,
The sentiment of 'the common good' that Daniel Webster warned of and that Justice McReynolds saw realized, has progressively spiraled around into utilitarian & 'economic thinking' gaining ever more power over individual rights & property rights each time it's been employed over the last century and a half, which has been particularly apparent in just the last couple decades with George W. Bush's "..."I've abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system...", and in the rights-busting legislation of Obamacare, pushed through for the benefit of '"30% of Americans are not covered by healthcare, what about them! Are they just out of luck?! Would you leave them to die on the sidewalk?!"', both of which very clearly demonstrate something else that Webster had warned us of:
" It may be very possible that good intentions do really sometimes exist when constitutional restraints are disregarded. There are men, in all ages, who mean to exercise power usefully; but who mean to exercise it. They mean to govern well; but they mean to govern. They promise to be kind masters; but they mean to be masters."
One question we should ask ourselves now is what 'Good' - common, greater, or otherwise - could be served by the abridgement (and so the abandonment) of that principle of Property which our Founders understood to be so fundamental to the understanding of Individual Rights, which our American system of liberty was founded upon? They fully understood that granting and permitting the exercise of such powers over those principles and rights would mean throwing open the doors to a government of total and unlimited power over its people - in what world can that be thought of as being for the 'common good', or can somehow aid in maintaining 'a more perfect union' in any meaningful way?

Given the obvious interest that these 'economic experts' have in labeling (and mislabeling) others, it seems only fair that when their revisionist efforts are used to retrofit our understanding, that it warrants our identifying and turning the label maker back upon them... but with what labels?:
  • , as neo-liberals?
  • , as neo-Americans?
  • , as old-fashioned Marxists?
  • , as neo-Marxists?
Whichever of those above you might think fits best, each contains technical differences in their positions that contradict the reasoning for them (by design) so that the labeled can easily deny the label.  IMHO they are better described, than labeled, as being Pro-Regressive. Ignore the inconsistencies that the reversal of orbit and orbited creates, and note what they consistently believe in common, that they have the expertise to redefine the common meaning of the 'Common Good', into meaning something that cannot be common to all.

Another fitting term to describe how the Pro-Regressives goes about routinely generating answers to kill off uncomfortable questions before they spread, is what an online friend, @ClassicalLiberal12 (but in a good way 😎), devised for such arbiters of political correctness: The Umpires of Reasonable Discourse (TURD).

An exceedingly important point that we'll see develop throughout this post, is that what we're looking at here is not simply an 'economic' matter, or a debatable matter of political policies and preferences, but a manner of thinking that implicitly defines what you are able to view as being real and true, and of the highest ethical importance concerning what you recognize as being Good - which I mean that in the sense of Right & Wrong, Good and Evil - and reducing that to mere technicalities and political positions, is a means of reducing you, and surreptitiously depriving you, of your humanity.

Whatever the case may be, any 'thinker' proposing to 'manage' or 'know' what they can have no realistic means of even compiling, let alone adequately identifying, is not actually engaged in thinking (as an effort to understand what is real and true), they're simply using positions as pretexts for rationalizing a justification for a particular ideological use of political power. Such actions are necessarily arbitrary and require the breaching of fundamental principles, heedless of any unforeseen consequences that will follow from them, and they take them on the basis of their intentions & aspirations for what they've decided is *best* for your and everyone else's life.

While such behavior tends to leave me either cursing quietly or momentarily speechless, Bastiat managed a more measured response, in his 'Conflict of Principles':
"Now, what astonishes and confounds me is that a publicist, a statesman, who sincerely holds an economical doctrine that runs so violently counter to other principles that are incontestable, should be able to enjoy one moment of calm or peace of mind."
This is an issue that should not be passed by without considering it carefully, as doing so practically ensures that it will be imposed by default. Look at the questions their answers are meant to kill:
  • How should the Market [which is what?] be 'corrected '?
  • What knowledge & understanding do they claim to possess that is superior to that which our nation was founded upon, and which these theories are derived from, and so justifies their employing them upon us?
  • As agreed upon & decided by who?
    • By popular vote?
    • By law?
    • By the decisions of TURD's?
  • Upon what criteria and authority do they give their 'ok' to such power?
  • And what has happened to their habits of thought, that they are able to leave such questions unasked and unanswered?
To adequately address those questions, we'll need to interrupt this post in order to take a short(ish) diversion into pre-modern philosophy's understanding of metaphysics, causality, and ethics, in order to realize that 'Economics' wasn't simply advanced to replace Political Economy with a new name, but to replace reality itself.

Monday, November 25, 2024

The Common Good, Property, Liberty - united they stand, divided we fall

The Common Good, Property, Liberty - united they stand, divided we fall
Interestingly enough, despite my xTweeters assertions that 'the common good' justifies unjustly taking from those who successfully earn wealth in order to somehow enhance 'liberty for all', our Founders made it very clear that their understanding of Liberty and their understanding of a Republic, were tightly bound up with upholding and defending every individual citizen's property rights.

I put a few quotations together to clarify the importance of this in a post several years ago, especially for those whose thoughts tend to run along the lines of "It's only property!", to show them the actual meaning of what it is that they're thinking of as being for 'the common good'. These quotations come from three different Founding Fathers of two very different systems, John Adams, James Madison & Karl Marx:
"Property must be secured, or liberty cannot exist."
John Adams, 'Discourses on Davila', following his 'A Defense of the Constitutions of the Governments of the United States of America'
"...Government is instituted to protect property of every sort; as well that which lies in the various rights of individuals, as that which the term particularly expresses. This being the end of government, that alone is a just government, which impartially secures to every man, whatever is his own...."
James Madison, 'Property', 29 Mar. 1792
"In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property."
Karl Marx, 'Communist Manifesto'
The point being that the one principle that the Founders of both America and of modern Communism understood and agreed upon, was that private property was indispensable to securing your individual rights under a government of limited powers, and that when private property is abolished, the doors are thrown wide open to a government of total and unlimited power over its people.

Ben Franklin had further expressed that understanding as early as 1772, in one of his 'Silence Dogood' essays,, and America could not have been born if there hadn't been a sizable number of people who understood this as well,
"Without Freedom of Thought, there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such Thing as publick Liberty, without Freedom of Speech; which is the Right of every Man, as far as by it, he does not hurt or controul the Right of another: And this is the only Check it ought to suffer, and the only Bounds it ought to know.

"This sacred Privilege is so essential to free Governments, that the Security of Property, and the Freedom of Speech always go together; and in those wretched Countries where a Man cannot call his Tongue his own, he can scarce call any Thing else his own."
In that brief passage, Franklin expressed a conceptual integration of the ideas of freedom of speech, property, wisdom, and liberty, which shows Property to be infinitely more than merely a claim to a material possession, and which "...where a Man cannot call his Tongue his own..." is a marvelous illustration of having Property IN speech (read Madison's essay!), and in the very spirit of his life.

Now with that in mind, how do you suppose an 'Economic' proposal to deprive 'rentiers' (AKA: people) of that property which is rightfully theirs, could somehow fit in with an understanding of both liberty and the concept of the 'common good', which our laws are based upon, and are in service to?

Here are just a few questions that such answers deter people from asking:
  • Where does what they propose to distribute, re-distribute, or 'more fairly' distribute, come from?
  • Where does the authority and power which they advise the taking of 'it' with, come from?
  • How do they decide who 'it' should be distributed to?
  • And who it should not go to? In what way is this 'more fair' distribution, fair?
  • What, beyond their assertion that it would be 'good' to give them that power to 'help you' with, could that be either 'helpful', 'fair', or 'good'?
Why, I wonder, does thinking of such questions remind me of the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help"?

One big truth we need to understand is that 'Economic Thinking' equivocates upon two very different meanings of 'good', when speaking of 'fairness' or of a 'common good', and it counts upon the newer sense being able to borrow some 'respectability' from the older sense, so as to garner approval of a new policy they've labeled as 'good'.

To see what these two senses of 'good' are, is not difficult to do, though the traditional sense may require more than one web search to find (or looking in an old printed dictionary), with the result being that the older definition will be something along the lines of: "Morally excellent, Virtuous, Righteous, Pious", and the newer sense will be some variant of 'pleasant', 'useful' and 'acceptable'.

The traditional view reflects a frame of mind that takes the existence of reality and the importance of conforming to what is real and true, and right & wrong, seriously. That's an understanding that presumes that what is good is worthwhile and valuable because it is good, whether or not it also produces other immediately measurable material results.

The newer sense entails a quantitative approach that aims at calculating a cost/benefit ratio of overall 'greater good'ness, as justification for incurring whatever 'negatives' that other groups (rentiers, citizens, biological women, etc.,) might experience, so that 'good' is measured as what outweighs, and so justifies, doing 'bad' to some (rentiers, people, etc.), to balance the scales.

Only when 'good' is used in the quantitative (collective) sense, can 'Economic Thinking' function fully in its role as the 'practical' hand of social engineering, which requires 'economic thinkers' (and all who think through it) to use the moderns' form of 'epistemology' to justify ignoring, subverting, and excluding, traditional concerns of metaphysics, causality, and ethics, from our conscious consideration.

Consequently what 'economic thinkers' mean by the word 'good' cannot be understood to reflect the quality of Good, and what they mean by a 'common good' can be neither common, nor good, but only a quantitative concern for what is useful (to their economy).

The questions that the economic answer is intended to abort, are those that would lead you to understand the uncomfortable fact that 'Economics' can only be taken seriously(!), after traditional philosophical principles have been put safely out of your mind, so as to enable reducing all relevant (!) considerations to quantitative calculations (GDP, CPI, etc.,).

Only after that's done, can they engage in the necessarily arbitrary and utilitarian calculations of n amounts of pleasure, divided amongst x quantities of people, without fear of some traditionalist raising questions about what's right and wrong, or infringing upon individual rights, etc., which are of course the goods we all can and should have in common, which 'Economic Thinking' is designed to put safely out of the common mind.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Political Economy is not just an old label for 'Economics'

Political Economy is not just an old label for 'Economics'
Political Economy, like Classical Liberalism, is not a conceptually tidy term, and though I'm using it here to refer to that small slice of time leading into our Founders' era, and culminating with Jean Baptiste Say, deTocqueville, and Frederic Bastiat, you should understand that it is typically applied to those whose ideas were very much opposed to theirs, including J.S. Mill, who wrote a great deal about it. The origins of Political Economy lay in the somewhat seedy doings of the French royals & Physiocrats, as well as some devilry from the always vile Jean Jacques Rousseau, as Jean Baptiste Say said
"...the sect of "Economists" of the last century, throughout all their writings, and J. J. Rousseau, in the article "Political Economy" in the Encyclopedie, lie under the same imputation."
Rousseau used Political Economy as a means to develop and justify his idea of a 'General Will', which held that it was necessary for the state to have the power & authority to 'shape' and improve society for the 'greater good',
"...Heavy taxes should be laid on servants in livery, on equipages, rich furniture, fine clothes, on spacious courts and gardens, on public entertainments of all kinds, on useless professions, such as dancers, singers, players, and in a word, on all that multiplicity of objects of luxury, amusement and idleness, which strike the eyes of all, and can the less be hidden, as their whole purpose is to be seen, without which they would be useless. We need be under no apprehension of the produce of these taxes being arbitrary, because they are laid on things not absolutely necessary...."
, which is a sentiment that tyrants from Robespierre to Marx and beyond, have appreciated the utility of, ever since.

However, leading into the Founders' era, people like Richard Cantillon, and later Adam Smith, began seeing that history for what it was. Adam Smith regarded such matters derisively as a form of 'state craft', which was very much opposed to the 'Science of Wealth' or 'Natural Liberty', that he had begun to discover the need of:
"...the expression ‘political economy’ consistently refers to those systems of economic policy and analysis which are being opposed and criticized."
, and yet Smith was eventually able to describe political economy on his own terms, as:
"Political economy, considered as a branch of the science of a statesman or legislator, proposes two distinct objects: first, to provide a plentiful revenue or subsistence for the people, or more properly to enable them to provide such a revenue or subsistence for themselves; and secondly, to supply the state or commonwealth with a revenue sufficient for the public services. It proposes to enrich both the people and the sovereign. [WN IV. Intro. 1]"
From my POV, that's still a bit problematic in the powers it implicitly concedes to government, but then those pioneers who lead the way to a new discovery, should be forgiven, rather than canceled, for not discovering every danger that lurked behind the real benefits of what they had discovered.

Footnote from Say's 'Treatise on Political Economy':
"From οικος a house, and νομος a law; economy, the law which regulates the household. Household, according to the Greeks, comprehending all the goods in possession of the family; and political, from πόλις, civitas, extending its application to society or the nation at large.

Political economy is the best expression that can be used to designate the science discussed in the following treatise, which is not the investigation of natural wealth, or that which nature supplies us with gratuitously and without limitation, but of social wealth exclusively, which is founded on exchange and the recognition of the right of property both social regulations."
Others soon came along to improve on that pioneering vision, such as Jean Baptiste Say, who Thomas Jefferson praised as being clearer, and much briefer than Adam Smith, and was himself followed by one who succeeded better than most others in marking out the best paths & vistas upon the maps of what Smith & Say had blazed, which was Frederic Bastiat.

Bastiat later observed that the approach and understanding that was consistent with Smith's ideal of 'Natural Liberty', was as distinct from the Socialist and later 'Economic' views, as astronomy is from astrology, or chemistry is from alchemy, in that:
"...What separates, radically and profoundly, the two schools is their difference of methods. The one school, like the astrologer and the alchemist, proceeds on hypothesis; the other, like the astronomer and the chemist, proceeds on observation...."
Bastiat understood that just as two astronomers could observe the same fact and disagree for a time about its cause or meaning, yet because they were both aiming at understanding what is real and true, once the matter became better understood, their views would eventually come to an harmonious agreement as to what is valid and true. This was very much in line with what Thomas Reid had said earlier:
"...While the parties agree in the first principles on which their arguments are grounded, there is room for reasoning; but when one denies what to the other appears too evident to need or to admit of proof, reasoning seems to be at an end; an appeal is made to common sense, and each party is left to enjoy his own opinion...."
, but as Bastiat noted:
"... between the astronomer, who observes, and the astrologer, who imagines, the gulf is impassable...."
As Bastiat saw it, like the Astronomer, the job of Political Economy was less to advise actions for governments to take, than to make observations that enabled facts and principles to guide people and governments away from acting upon those ideas and practices that lead to confusion and waste, and to provide them instead with the knowledge that would lead their society towards prosperity and harmony. But like the astrologers & alchemists, those who promote Socialism/'Economics' (and yes, they belong together) see their job as being to use their influence to urge policies that imposed upon people's lives which they justified on the basis of their dire or wonderous predictions for the future, no matter what facts or principles need to be ignored or denied in doing so (or concern for what the future actually holds).

Our task here & now, is to select between those interested in understanding reality and pursuing happiness, and those interested in pushing economic narratives in pursuit of power, by examining the systems they support, starting with those of the Pre-Classical Economists (Ooh! so close to finding a usable label!) which 'economics' supplanted.

Here's a few basic questions that should be actively considered before affixing any labels:
  • What is an economy?
  • How do you measure the state of an economy?
  • What's involved in making adjustments to an economy, and at what cost?
  • Are such actions justifiable?
  • A) What an economy actually is, is at least the material effects of every aspiration, concern, effort, expectation, and goal, of every person living within the geographical expanse it references, as well as everyone and everything outside of it which interacts with it.

  • Seems rather large, doesn't it?

  • B) And how does one go about measuring the state of such an... everything? While Political Economy would say an economy's health is best measured by what obstacles its members face in acting and trading within it, economics would have you believe that there are a number of widely agreed upon economic indicators that more than suffice to measure & direct this & that indicator and the ratios of them, to divine which actions and directions are necessary to take in order to improve 'the common good' of ... all of that.

    Unfortunately if that gives you the impression that such key 'economic indicators' as the Federal Reserve's Interest Rate, GDP (Gross Domestic Product), CPI (Consumer Price Index), Unemployment Rate, etc., were actually objective indicators of the state of those 'economic realities', which enable 'those who know best' to divine our economic course into the future, instead of the arbitrary listings of politically motivated 'indicators', I'm sorry to say that you've been misled.

    Yet they'll tell you very authoritatively that the advice of 'those who know best' is sufficient to guide society in making those adjustments (adjustments which 'those who know best' are in wild disagreement over) based upon 'recognized indicators', which they insist are necessary and sufficient to best 'manage' the course of our lives, in their society.

  • C) Even more misleading than indicating that those indicators are objective measurements for objective purposes, is the scope of what's involved in making such 'adjustments to the economy' that those indicators are used to legitimize. The willingness of the 'economically minded' to imagine that they can adequately comprehend an 'economy'(let alone 'correct' it) is what, IMHO, true arrogance looks like - much like what Adam Smith described way back when:
  • "...I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good. It is an affectation, indeed, not very common among merchants, and very few words need be employed in dissuading them from it.

    What is the species of domestic industry which his capital can employ, He can judge of this much better than the statesman. and of which the produce is likely to be of the greatest value, every individual, it is evident, can, in his local situation, judge much better than any statesman or lawgiver can do for him. The statesman, who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals, would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume an authority which could safely be trusted, not only to no single person, but to no council or senate whatever, and which would no-where be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it....."
    The innumerable decisions, motivations, and judgements that go into making up an 'economy' (AKA: what you and everyone you know does, and why), is something that no one could ever even adequately identify, let alone 'manage'. I'd say that 'Folly and presumption' is an apt characterization for how 'Economists' gin up their formulations for the various measures and 'distribution curves' they claim to guide the actions that must be taken to 'guide' our economy, to say nothing of the truly dangerous nature which he noted was inherent in even attempting such a project, as even that necessitates infringing upon, and outright violating the individual/property rights of *some* (all) members of the community, in order to separate them by means of percentages, from everyone else in the community, by some such label as 'the wealthy'.

    That my friends, which is what it is that 'economics' seeks to do, is a key 'tell' of the 'Economic' mindset, in that it's naturally inclined towards using power to divide people on inherently collectivist lines of favored and unfavored groupings, for purposes of its own.
    A possibly apocryphal quip from Harry Truman “Give me a one-handed economist. All my economists say ‘on the one hand...’, then ‘but on the other...’”, expresses the frustration of seeking economic advice of more objective value than an opinion.

  • D) Perhaps worst of all, is the fact that even economists don't claim to objectively know what will result from their efforts, and yet the advice they give to those in positions of power, is derived from the various probabilities that follow from their disputed theories, which will result in concrete actions being taken, and the only thing that can be said for certain is that whatever actions are taken, will - for better or for worse - directly impact each and every one of us.

  • IOW: Economics presumes that it's appropriate to use political power to experiment with the lives and livelihoods of those living in 'their economy', for the good of the economy, rather than for those it is made up of.

    Bringing those issues up, however, is likely to get you and me labeled as being either overly individualistic (which you're intended to associate with the heads & tails 'lone wolf' imagery that J.S. Mill & Dewey both peddled) and with being too concerned with property, and Individual Rights, or in some other way at odds with the common good, such as my xTwitter friends admonished me.
    xTwitter'rs tell me:
    "...competing rights claims require Law that has the Common Good as an end..."
    "..."Just laws" depend upon consideration of the public welfare and not simply of individual rights in discerning ..."
    "...Imo rentiers have to be eliminated through policy so that productive investment, circulation and stability is promoted..."
    Note the term that one of my xTwitterers' used, 'Rentiers'. That is a favorite label of the economically minded, which this reference provides a few different common dictionary definitions of:
    • "A person who lives on income from property or investments.
    • One who has a fixed income, as from lands, stocks, or the like.
    • An individual who receives an income, usually interest, rent, dividends, or capital gains, from his or her assets and investments.
    • someone whose income is from property rents or bond interest and other investments
    , meaning that the term encompasses everyone from those who bought a property to fix up and rent out, or is retired and living on investment income from their 401k, all the way on up to the wealthy, all of whom depend upon the same individual right in property, which the economically minded believe should [should?] be 'eliminated'.

    Have you noticed that 'Economic Thinkers' often use the word 'Common', and then in the next breath single out demographics such as 'rentiers' from the common populace, for uncommon treatment?

    To speak of a 'Common Good' that isn't common to all, or of a 'Public Welfare' that counts upon damaging the welfare of some members of the public, is as ideologically-snowed blind, as deliberately destroying the individual bricks within a wall in order to save the wall which has been built from them. As the Inigo Montoya meme would say 'You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means'.

    And sorry, but if you think that 'they only mean millionaires!', the fact remains that utilizing the law to violate the rights of one person, means abandoning the principle of respecting everyone's rights under the law. Sure, you might not feel the effects of such efforts immediately, but what's common to all with their enactment, is that everyone has been immediately deprived of the full support of the Law in regards to that right (and others), and as happened with the income tax, your tax bracket too will eventually feel the particular effects of its impositions.
    "But Van, we don't mean targeting either rich or poor individuals, but only corporations and Big Businesses!"
    See 'Wickard v Filburn' for one famous instance out of thousands that confirm this, where SCOTUS decided that a single family farmer raising a small crop for his family's use only, was 'Akshually' an interstate-commerce violation of the FDR administration's 'New Deal' laws.
    , and again, no, although that's how such actions are usually sold, they're implementation says otherwise, no matter what words are said or conveniently left unsaid. Our own history says otherwise as well, loudly, over and over and over again - almost as if an important lesson of history has been deliberately left untaught, so that we'll continue repeating the same mistake over and over again, which we will continue doing, so long as we evade paying attention to the lessons that history is trying to teach us.

    And yet 'economic thinkers' persist in justifying their 'Economic actions' as being *objective* measures for improving the 'common good' - so what is this notion of a 'Common Good' that they they speak of? One of those xTweeting with me answered gamely:
    xTwitter'rs tell me:
    "The common good represents the conditions that allow individuals within a society to flourish"
    , and then muddying the waters,
    "The Common Good with respect to political economy is simply the necessary conditions of liberty."
    Ah. Ok then. Human Flourishing and *Liberty* (using which definition?). Right. Well then. Somehow their use of those words makes me wonder about what they think is meant by them.
    • Do they mean that understanding of 'Liberty' which Western history and literature led America and its laws to be established upon during our Founders' era, in order for America to flourish?
    • Do they mean something similar to the flourishing that people like Adam Smith understood would follow from refounding Political Economy upon natural liberty (The Wealth of Nations was published in 1776)?
    , or do they mean to use familiar terms like flourishing, *Liberty*, and the *Common Good* as understood by the Founders' sense of those terms, to entice popular support for the very different meanings that became associated with those words a half century and more after our Founders' era, by 'Classical Liberals' and the 'social science' of 'Economics'? The sense of 'common' which most comes to mind from that, is that of common thieves.

    Wednesday, November 20, 2024

    One Classical Liberal that took liberties with Life, Liberty, and Happiness - J.S. Mill

    One Classical Liberal that took liberties with Life, Liberty, and Happiness - J.S. Mill
    If any of what was pointed out in the previous post on 'Classical Liberalism' surprises you, you may be even more surprised to learn that the many quotable lines of the popular essay 'On Liberty', that was written by the shining star of the 'Classical Liberals', J.S. Mill, was an early example of liberally employing words that were commonly used in our Founders' era, in ways that shared little more in common with them than their spelling.

    Those differences in meaning become less surprising once you note that J.S. Mill was not only a Utilitarian, whose founder, Jeremy Bentham, had infamously expressed the Utilitarian view that 'rights are nonsense upon stilts', but that J.S. Mill was raised and educated as an experiment in applied Utilitarianism (which is presumed to have led to his youthful nervous breakdown) by Mill's father, who was a friend and admirer of Jeremy Bentham.
    "But Van! Now you're labeling!"
    No, I'm not labeling him, I'm identifying his ideas, with the difference being that where the one shields, the other reveals, and the latter is done by refusing to allow the trite answers we're given, to abort those questions that are so important for us to consider, whenever we're presented with an unquestionable answer, such as J.S. Mill being a meaningful proponent of 'Liberty!', as it was widely understood in our Founders' era.

    In growing up and developing his own understanding of Utilitarianism, Mill found it necessary to alter or repurpose the meanings of a number of common words from how they had been understood, to suit his beliefs as a materialist Utilitarian - a few of which that come to mind are 'Life', 'Liberty', and 'Happiness'. One view he didn't much change from Bentham's views though, was that of 'Rights', which presents a problem for those who're reading our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, and J.S. Mill's thoughts on Liberty.

    Of course, Mill wasn't the only one, or the first, involved in altering the meaning of the words we commonly use. Before going further into what key words Mill altered the meanings of, we should at least glance at what made it possible for those new meanings to be so easily spread, which was by way of Ideology.

    The term 'Ideology' was coined in 1793 by Destutte deTracy, a Scottish born French noblemen, military man, philosophe (and possibly Freemason, and certainly influenced radicals like the Carbonari), as the name for what he intended to be a new 'science of ideas', as an empirical & very 'Science!ish' method of thinking that would pointedly avoid (reject) the use of metaphysical concepts & ethical judgement (which, BTW, has a lot in common with Utilitarianism) in order to make our thinking 'more efficient'. For different reasons, both Napoleon & Marx hated it (while embracing key aspects of it), while Thomas Jefferson admired some aspects of it enough to personally translate & publish it in America, and it became exceedingly influential in his time.

    Unfortunately the consequence of ignoring metaphysics & ethics in our thinking, is that the words and terms being used 'more efficiently', soon lose their depth, as their subsurface meanings become more assumed than actually understood, they are transformed from conveying substantial meaning, to becoming shallow labels that are loosely associated with multiple and often conflicting positions, most of which are not very well thought out. And so one practical problem with Ideological thinking, is that it leads people into believing that they're in agreement with each other because they're using the same words, without realizing that they aren't in agreement on what they mean by them. That shallow sense of apparent agreement is a big part of what often propels an ideology to a rapid growth in popularity, until, that is, its followers attempt to put those ideas into practice, and begin discovering that they disagree on what it is that they actually mean by the words & terms they're using. And because they begin from seemingly similar positions, rather than from a shared understanding, that leads to 'purity tests' and '_ In Name Only' labels (for instance, ask a few lefties what they mean by 'liberal', or conservatives what they mean by 'conservative'), which displays the other trait that Ideologies are well known for, their highly fractious nature.

    It's up to each of us to decline to be distracted from asking those metaphysical and ethical questions that we should all be asking, as it's only from doing so that we can become able to see firsthand how easily our apparent agreement with a label's positions, can mislead and divert us from the reasons behind the various positions that've become associated with them, much like how J.S. Mill, for instance, can appear to be supportive of a subject, such as a Free Market, when the two are essentially incompatible.

    Those who read Mill's ideas today, without being in the habit of asking those questions, are unlikely to realize that what they assume his words to mean, are unlikely to be what J.S. Mill had in mind when writing them, and so whether or not Mill meant to engage in verbal embezzlement or semantic deception, his alternate meanings have been gradually smuggled into popular assumptions & practices, which have become more and more confused and even destructive, without most people ever even realizing it. Such people are often filled with a zeal for their 'new!' ideas, and believing that their support for something - a Free Market for instance - would be helped by supporting what seems like just another name for seemingly similar positions - 'Free Trade!' for instance - actively voice their 'principled!' opposition on 'economic' grounds to political tactics like tariffs, declaring their support for engaging in 'Free Trade!' with the likes of the Communist Party of Red China, which is eager to subvert and destroy every aspect of what such trade and liberty depend upon. The shallow use of words progressively turns their well meaning efforts into contributing to destroying the very thing that they'd originally supported - which is how we came to wave goodby to what had once been a beacon of judicial, political, and economic liberty: Hong-Kong.

    The more depth of meaning that's lost to shallow understanding, the greater damage will be inflicted, and the more understanding that rests upon a word or term, the more widely the effects from undermining it will be felt. We only need to look at a handful of key words that Mill differed with our Founders on the meaning of, to get a glimpse of how far reaching the negative impact those differences have been, and perhaps the best one to start with, is: Principles.

    Mill was very big about writing extensively about his 'principles!' of this, and 'principles!' of that, and of course we hear a great many fans of Mill's 'On Liberty' today, shouting about what they will and won't do because of their 'principles!', but what do they understand that term to mean? In our Founders' era, 'Principles' had been generally defined as:
    " of the fundamental tenets or doctrines of a system, a law or truth on which others are founded" comes the sense of "a right rule of conduct" (1530s)."
    , and were understood and used to convey wise and ethical truths, and standards of behavior as with principles of freedom of speech, and principles of an objective Rule of Law, and principles of virtuous and ethical conduct.

    What Mill meant by Principles, OTOH, was not moral concepts of what is good, right, and true - as a utilitarian empiricist, he would not entertain such thoughts - but he instead intended them as quantitative 'measures' of behaviors in various scenarios to determine the degree of usefulness of something:
    "I regard utility as the ultimate appeal on all ethical questions; but it must be utility in the largest sense, grounded on the permanent interests of man as a progressive being. "
    IOW, what Mill meant by 'principles', had less to do with philosophic principles of behavior, than with devising formulas for generating rules derived from 'scientific' measurements, and tweaking the ingredients and measures as needed to maximize its utility.

    However encouraging that might sound at first, the problem is that what he meant by 'Science!', had more to do with the new 'Social Sciences', than with legitimate experimental sciences like chemistry, where rules & principles were derived from exactingly quantitative measures of factual physical characteristics, as observed under controlled experimental conditions, and based upon measurable consequences, were revised as needed by further observations.

    One problem with equating one 'science' with the other, is that such quantitative measurements of physical attributes, cannot be made of qualitative concepts of human traits and interactions - you can't put issues of Trust, Virtue, Friendship, etc., on a ruler to measure them by, or hold either despair or joy up against a scale to weigh them with.

    The IEP (The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) described Mill's approach, this way:
    "...suggesting that basic principles of logic and mathematics are generalizations from experience rather than known a priori. The principle of utility—that “actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness”—was the centerpiece of Mill’s ethical philosophy..."
    And so when J.S. Mill speaks of 'Principles', he doesn't mean 'a priori' fundamental truths for guiding our judgement of Right & Wrong, Good & Evil, etc., but something more like weighted averages of popular responses that've been associated with one 'factor' or another. So when Mill's 'social scientist' claimed to have 'measured' something, that 'measurement' was typically the intensity of the measurer's own feelings about an action, combined with their opinion of what brought it about (very much like today's 'lived experiences'), which were then artfully assembled along with numerous other such observations, into a statistical format to be presented and treated as if it were no different than the objectively measured ingredients and outcomes of repeatable laboratory experiments, as performed upon material substances.

    Armed with that, as a chemist might tweak an ingredient here or there in his laboratory, Mill, in reference to various scenarios from trade to personal relationships, advised mitigating or deviating from his 'principles' as needed in his laboratory of society - your life and mine - to vary those 'outcomes' he sought to support or suppress, in reforming society closer to his heart's desire (read him, it's obvious).

    What necessarily follows from following Mill's idea of 'principles!', is routinely being led into advocating for what would have been recognized in our Founders' era as being unprincipled behavior.

    What also comes as a surprise to most casual fans of 'On Liberty', is that what Mill typically wanted, and vocally endorsed, was to use the power of the state to 'manage the economy' which transforms 'economics' into a euphemism for state involvement and control over any or all of the day-to-day decisions and actions of those in society, in every aspect of their lives. Key to his means of doing so, was the liberal use of those 'principles' and other words & terms that he'd repurposed through his Utilitarian philosophy, to convey very different meanings and purposes than had been understood or intended by them, just a short while earlier in our Founders' era.

    One fine example of that has to do with his attitude towards 'Life'.

    Whether J.S. Mill thought human life was a value in and of itself, or just another material commodity whose value was to be measured by its usefulness to the economy (hello: 'Utilitarian!'), is something he made clear towards the end of his essay 'On Liberty', where he wrote of his concerns over the common people being permitted to have too many children all willy-nilly and unregulated like.

    Mill, making very clear what the meaning of "I regard utility as the ultimate appeal on all ethical questions" actually is, expressed his desire for the state to intervene by writing laws to restrict how many babies people should(!) be allowed to have, so as to prevent an excess population from negatively impacting the economy by reducing workers' wages:
    "... in a country either over-peopled, or threatened with being so, to produce children, beyond a very small number,[Pg 206] with the effect of reducing the reward of labour by their competition, is a serious offence against all who live by the remuneration of their labour..."
    Just think, Classical Liberal J.S. Mill was a century ahead of Communist China's 'One Child Policy' - can't ya just smell the liberty!?

    Speaking of which, 'Liberty' is another word that reveals real differences between what was understood during our founding era, and what J.S. Mill meant by it a half century later. Liberty had been defined as,
    "state of being free from arbitrary, despotic, or autocratic rule or control"
    , and so they understood that liberty was what resulted from living in a moral and law abiding community that respected the rights and property of each citizen.

    J.S. Mill upended that understanding with his very different Utilitarian belief that liberty is little more than,
    "...freedom from restraint..."
    , which you should note is less a concept, than a physical condition that neither requires nor presumes qualities of character or responsibility. Say hello to Rousseau's 'noble savage'.

    Mill of course goes on to say many very fine sound things about this liberty, that:
    "This, then, is the appropriate region of human liberty. It comprises, first, the inward domain of consciousness; demanding liberty of conscience, in the most comprehensive sense; liberty of thought and feeling; absolute freedom of opinion and sentiment on all subjects, practical or speculative, scientific, moral, or theological. The liberty of expressing and publishing opinions may seem to fall under a different principle, since it belongs to that part of the conduct of an individual which concerns other people; but, being almost of as much importance as the liberty of thought itself, and resting in great part on the same reasons, is practically inseparable from it. Secondly, the principle requires liberty of tastes and pursuits; of framing the plan of our life to suit our own character; of doing as we like, subject to such consequences as may follow: without impediment from our fellow-creatures, so long as what we do does not harm them, even though they should think our conduct foolish, perverse, or wrong. Thirdly, from this liberty of[Pg 23] each individual, follows the liberty, within the same limits, of combination among individuals; freedom to unite, for any purpose not involving harm to others: the persons combining being supposed to be of full age, and not forced or deceived."
    , which does sound very fine indeed (though more resembling lists of ingredients, than guiding principles), until, that is, you recall to mind what Mill meant by 'principles', and what he said all such 'principles' are subordinate to:
    "...I regard utility as the ultimate appeal on all ethical questions; but it must be utility in the largest sense... "
    , and the question that ought to bring to mind, is what that might mean if your life & liberty aren't thought to be of use to 'Those who know best', like Mill? Say hello to Rousseau's ideal Legislator, who believed, like Mill, that the state 'ought' to have the power to enforce the 'General Will' and 'force them to be free', as being the ideal of 'Liberty'.

    If you think I exaggerate, I have to ask if (or when) you've actually read 'On Liberty', or anything else that Mill has written? Because Mill's use of the word 'Principle' is based upon his positions, rather than their being derived from a conceptual understanding of what is real, good, and true, he finds that he has to justify his preferred positions over and over again with words to the effect of: "Yes, our principles do say that something is evil, but... sometimes circumstances demand that society engage in a lil' bit of evil, for the common good... because success is what matters...", as Mill does here with what he considers to be the fundamental determiner of liberty, 'restraint':
    "...all restraint, quâ restraint, is an evil: but the restraints in question affect only that part of conduct which society is competent to restrain, and are wrong solely because they do not really produce the results which it is desired to produce by them...."
    The fact is that Utilitarianism entails the idea that the ends justify the means ('principles', doncha know), and his philosophy transforms 'principles' into a veritable blank check for authorizing society to trample over the lives and choices of individuals, for the greater good.

    The problem with looking to J.S. Mill for advice on liberty, is that as a Utilitarian, he sees Liberty as nothing more than 'the absence of restraint' (an opinion shared by Vladimir Lenin, BTW), and with that materialistic conception of 'Liberty' in mind, he finds that the next step that anyone must make is, as Mill did, that:
    "...All that makes existence valuable to any one, depends on the enforcement of restraints upon the actions of other people. Some rules of conduct, therefore, must be imposed, by law in the first place, and by opinion on many things which are not fit subjects for the operation of law. What these rules should be, is the principal question in human affairs;..."
    IOW Mill's idea of what he calls 'liberty', begins with how force 'should' be imposed, either in forcibly restraining others so you can do whatever you want, or by submitting to some restraints so as to strike a bargain to 'allow' each other to do some of what each desires - not because it's right and good, but because it's useful in satisfying your desires, AKA: Utilitarianism.

    In a nice irony for today's Libertarians who wave copies of Mill's 'On Liberty' about and claim to be all about liberty and 'Free Trade!', Mill thought that:
    "...the principle of individual liberty is not involved in the doctrine of Free Trade..."
    , for you see, in Mill's idea of 'Liberty!', " is a social act...", which means that 'those who know best' - experts like J.S. Mill - should be the ones who determine what rules would be most useful for society. You can almost hear a piratic "These Principles be more like suggestions, argh".

    SoOooo much liberty.

    The fact is that in J.S. Mill's effort to 'define principles of Liberty', there are no principles as were recognized in our Founders' era, to be found, no principles of individual rights nor any principled basis for liberty to justify defending the individual against tyranny, and in place of principles, Mill presents only varying technical formulas for dealing with the various complexities of issues of the moment, from moment to moment, in which Those Who Know Best must be empowered to pick and choose which particulars must be sacrificed (meaning you, and your concerns), so as to serve what they decide to be the 'greater good', in that particular scenario.

    It's not surprising that his idea of 'liberty', led him to lament:
    "...When we compare the strange respect of mankind for liberty, with their strange want of respect for it, we might imagine that a man had an indispensable[Pg 207] right to do harm to others, and no right at all to please himself without giving pain to any one..."
    Mill's idea of Liberty did not begin with what a good life is, and how best to live it, or even with what is real and true, but with either how 'best' you can get away with doing some of what you most desire to do to yourself and others, or with stopping others from doing what they most desire to do to themselves or to you.

    What's a shame, is that his own low opinion of both man and liberty didn't cause him to question his understanding of either, or how he came to them. As a result, that conception of Liberty that J.S. Mill had in mind, is, IMHO, one that is unfit for a life worth living, let alone for '... the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness'.

    And if you expected something different with his notions of Happiness, sorry, but no.

    As was understood in our Founders' era, Happiness was defined in Dr. Johnson's dictionary:.
    "...that estate whereby we attain, so far as possibly may be attained, the full possession of that which simply for itself is to be desired, and containeth in it after an eminent sort the contentation of our desires, the highest degree of all our perfection."
    , or as put by the Scottish philosopher Thomas Reid, the motive force behind SCSR (Scottish Common Sense Realism) put it:
    "...The happy man, therefore, -is not he whose happiness is his only care, but he who, with perfect resignation, leaves the care of his happiness to Him who made him, while he pursues with ardour the road of his duty. This gives an elevation to his mind, which is real happiness. Instead of care, and fear, and anxiety, and disappointment, it brings joy and triumph. It gives a relish to every good we enjoy, and brings good out of evil..."
    , so that 'Happiness' was understood in our Founders' era, to be what could result from steadily adhering to a moral and virtuous compass, so as to live a life well lived.

    But 'Happiness' meant something very different to J.S. Mill, as he put it in his essay on 'Utilitarianism', 'happiness' was concerned with the pleasing conditions and sensations of the immediate moment, in that:
    "...By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain, by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure."
    IOW: an amoral 'if it feels good, do it!' is what he advocated for which some at the time referred to as 'social hedonism' or 'the maximizing of pleasure over pain', as being the measure of the 'Greater Good'.

    How significantly & consequentially Mill's interpretations of these words differed in all of their aspects, from what they were understood to mean in our Founders' era, is perhaps most starkly demonstrated by the actions of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. The delegates well understood what might follow from signing a declaration against King & Country, and yet they adhered to their principles. With a principled understanding of what the words of the Declaration meant, and what they understood was right and good to do - which in their minds were not separable and could not be overridden by the 'utility' of the moment - they signed it,
    "...with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our fortunes, and our sacred Honor..."
    , and did so in an exceedingly meaningful service to liberty and happiness for themselves and for their community.
    "But Van, we don't look to Mill for philosophy, but for sustaining a market economy!"
    Right. About that. That brings us to another word that our Founders' understood to be rather central to both markets and economy: Property, which was best expressed by James Madison, here, as with:
    "...He has an equal property in the free use of his faculties and free choice of the objects on which to employ them.
    In a word, as a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights...."
    In his Principles of Political Economy, vol 1., in his chapter on Property, Mill begins by noting that private property isn't as bad of a thing if it's earned by direct labor, but after much discussion of the noble ideals of various aspects of socialism and communism, he declares that he disapproves of the right to private property when it's not produced by direct labor. He wasn't just talking about inheritance, but about the property of investors, and of business owners, owning and profiting from their business, while the pitiful 'workers':
    "...For example (it may be said) the operatives in a manufactory create, by their labour and skill, the whole produce; yet, instead of its belonging to them, the law gives them only their stipulated hire, and transfers the produce to some one who has merely supplied the funds, without perhaps contributing anything to the work itself, even in the form of superintendence...."
    Mill then scolds that such a set of conditions:
    "...does not promote, but conflicts with, the ends which render private property legitimate...."
    , and he ends his chapter on Property after haven spoken throughout of his favorable feelings towards the French Socialist Fourier, whose Fourierism he thinks strikes an admirable balance between Socialism, Communism, and Private Property, to note in his closing paragraph:
    "...It is for experience to determine how far or how soon any one or more of the possible systems of community of property will be fitted to substitute itself for the "organization of industry" based on private ownership of land and capital..."
    If that's not clear enough for you, in book 2, under "2. The case for Communism against private property presented", while noting there could be problems with communism, still though,
    "If, therefore, the choice were to be made between Communism with all its chances and the present state of society with all its sufferings and injustices, all the difficulties, great or small, of Communism, would be but as dust in the balance."
    And as frosting on the poop-brownie, J.S. Mill:
    Add to that the fact that J.S. Mill was always in sympathy with those socialist ideals that he only later in life openly declared himself to be in support of, is what, IMHO, puts both his ideas, and his notions of 'Economics', in the category of what I term to be Pro-Regressive - that which is for leading us back to a more primitive social & political framework as existed prior to our Founders' era, so as to enable 'those who know best' to wield the power to do with 'the people' as they deemed to be best, for whichever 'good' ('Greater', 'Common', 'The Nation', etc. ) will seem easiest to sell to the public at the time.

    It's not too much to say that the sad state of Britain today, which in recent decades has gone from abandoning Hong Kong abroad, to jailing people at home for their comments and memes, is the fruition of J.S. Mill's thoughts 'On Liberty', having been put into practice.

    My concern with using "Classical Liberalism" as the go-to label for positions on principles of life, liberty, and happiness, is that too many of those who identify as 'Classical Liberals' today - especially those doing so in a pious openness to 'other' ideas - do so without regard for which sense of the term they are embodying (James Madison or J.S. Mill? Thomas Reid or David Hume?), seemingly unaware that equating J.S. Mill's ideas on liberty and property, with James Madison's brilliant and incredibly brief essay on Property, is like comparing vomit to a gourmet dinner, or worse, to recommend mixing them.

    But what 'those who know best' seem to understand best, is that the utility of dialectally laundering how those principles that were understood by Thomas Reid's SCSR and America's Founding Fathers during their period, with those of the latter period in which J.S. Mill has the status of being the leading light of 'Classical Liberalism', transforms the term into a conceptual 'skin suit' for giving aid & comfort to rationalizing morality and reality away.

    Those whose thinking most aligns with mine today tend to identify as being 'Classical Liberals' who also imagine 'Capitalism' to be a system that aligns with Free Markets and Free Minds (which is an excellent alignment to have), but many of them also tend to think of the likes of J.S. Mill as being a supporter of that ideal, and by doing so they are elevating what Mill actually intended to do, which was to subvert and squash the SCSR of Thomas Reid, and to subvert and corrupt Adam Smith's concept of Natural Liberty and Free Markets.

    That is what Mill intended to, do and that is what Marx repurposed the term 'Capitalism' to serve as - that being a label that is easily derided ('Capital' ='Money'='the root of all evil'='heartless & greedy rich people'), so as to portray 'Capitalism' and Capitalists as an assortment of low-minded people and positions who're divorced from principle (just ignore the fact that both Mill & Marx had no use for Principles).

    THAT is what should be kept in mind the next time you see any of J.S. Mill's catchy quotes from 'On Liberty'.

    So now, having pushed the more obvious labels aside, we're almost in a position to dig into the 'Economic System' itself, but to get the clearest perspective on that, and to be able to identify whatever 'flaws in my economic theory' I might have, we need to take a closer look at what their system took the place of, and why, which is: Political Economy.

    Monday, November 18, 2024

    The wishful thinking of the 'Classical Liberal' label

    The wishful thinking of the 'Classical Liberal' label
    So now with the preceding posts in mind, let's move onto a label which many in my no-label-to-call-home position tend to gravitate towards, as I once did, with thinking that 'Classical Liberal' is the right fit.

    At first glance it does seem to be a very nice fit, at least in the sense of what most people imagine that 'Classical Liberalism' refers to, as being all about respecting sound science, valuing individual rights, property rights, liberty, free markets, and appreciating our Founders' era as the culmination of the greatest period of actual societal progress in a thousand years, as noted by people like James Lindsay, and @ClassicLibera12 (but in a good way). That period, after all, succeeded in binding governmental power down with the constraints of constitutional law, for the purpose of upholding & preserving justice and liberty for every individual, and their putting those ideas into practice is what enabled the prosperous fruits of political economy (see Adam Smith, Jean Baptiste Say, Frederic Bastiat) to be enjoyed by all, and made the life-saving and enhancing scientific and technological progress we enjoy today possible.

    What's not to like in something so admirable, right?

    Well... just the fact that it's not true that 'Classical Liberalism' refers specifically to that.

    What? Nope. 'Classical Liberalism' refers to those ideas generated across a period of time that extends roughly from the early 1600s to the mid 1800s, and spans thinkers as poles apart as Hobbes and Locke, Descartes and Thomas Reid, Rousseau and our Founding Fathers, Adam Smith and Karl Marx, and produced such radically contradictory ideas as range from Natural Law (which our constitution was derived from), to Positivist Law (which the administrative state depends upon).

    So you tell me, if that's the case - and it is - how does identifying as a 'Classical Liberal' actually identify only the popular sense of it that I agree with, or even identify any one aspect of it?

    "But Van, 'Classical Liberalism' just refers to the culmination of that period of thought!", and I initially assumed that to be the case as well, but that period we value was not the culminating point of the 'Classical Liberal' period. Following the close of our Founders' era, there was still at least a half-century more to go in the span of time which the term refers to, and those ideas and doctrines which seek to undo and repeal the real progress that was made during our Founders' era, came to prominence during that closing period and that is what those who revile what we revere, cite as being the culmination of 'Classical Liberal' thinking, and it's from that standpoint that they roll their eyes at what we value, as being naive and undeveloped. And so, worse than the term not identifying anything clearly, by promoting the label of 'Classical Liberalism', we assist our opposition in misidentifying, misleading, and subverting, the very ideas which those of us with no-label-to-call-home, value most.

    A quick look at the timeline of what we're considering here, is in order. The period typically referred to, opened up with Sir Francis Bacon ('knowledge is power', or so his secretary Hobbes tells us), and began to hit its stride as the Science of Issac Newton lit up popular imagination and the political philosophy of John Locke's Two Discourses on Civil Government which put that spirit into words. Not long afterwards the Scottish Enlightenment (which itself spans such irreconcilable philosophical poles as David Hume & Thomas Reid), ushered in Adam Smith's Political Economy, and culminated politically with our Founders' Era in the last quarter of the 1700s, which brought the Free Market to its high point with the repeal of the Corn Laws in the 1840s.

    That period which began immediately after our Founders era and carried 'Classical Liberalism' forward roughly from the1820s to its close in the 1850s, while benefitting from the prosperous effects of a nearly Free Market that were clearly seen by all, began undermining the ideas that had made that prosperity possible, through a new set of ideas in philosophy & academia, whose implications went mostly unseen by the public. Behind the scenes of the financial pages, the intellectual current was being turned against the tide of the Greco-Roman/Judeo-Christian West, by drawing heavily upon the thinking of Descartes, Rousseau, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Comte, etc., and the period became dominated by the 'classical economists' such as J.S. Mill, David Ricardo, and Karl Marx. As they promoted the philosophically corrosive schools of German Idealism (Kant, Fichte, Hegel), it saw the advent of the 'Social Sciences', and the 'new' (old authoritarianism rebranded) theories of Positivist law, that were the anti-thesis to the Natural Law that our Constitution was derived from.

    It was with that altered telos, new direction, and with those 'new' ideas in hand, that the latter 'Classical Liberals' progressively transformed the reality based liberalism and SCSR (Scottish Common Sense Realism) of our Founder's era, into an idealistic form of illiberalism, which actively sought to disrupt that earlier framework of philosophy, education, and political economy, which had made the real progress of our Founders' era possible. Worse still, those involved, who reviled the ideals that we value, were promoting these new ideas by using the same terms that were common to both periods (you've heard the phrase "They shared their vocabulary, but not their dictionary", which when done intentionally, is now called Semantic Deception), so that words that were spelled the same - words like Liberty, Education, Progress - were being used to convey very different meanings & purposes between those 'in the know', which gave cover to the regressive movements which they desired, and which they called 'progress!'.

    Perhaps the most consequential product of the latter period of 'Classical Liberalism', was the new field of 'Economics', which was the lovechild of proponents of Positivist Law and the Social Sciences, through their shared fondness for Marxism and Fabian Socialism. Those latter day 'Classical Liberals', and especially the 'Classical Economists', aggressively promoted the rise of their new field, and by as early as 1900 it had rapidly risen to eclipse all serious references and concerns for the Political Economy of our Founders' era and enabled them to usher modern Socialism & Communism onto the world stage, as the respectable and welcomed heir to 'Classical Liberalism'.

    Do you see my problem with the label? To expect that a term which applies to such a wide span of time, and which contains such a contradictory range of ideas, to bring to mind only that particular subset of ideas and positions which were reflected in the founding of America, is counting on far too many questions not being asked, by people who are often unable or even piously unwilling to identify what is real and true, in the name of what they think of as being 'Classical Liberalism'

    What results from that is worse than being only a distraction, as it enables far worse to go forward under cover of the same heading, and I suspect that academics, the press, politicians, and crony-capitalists alike, secretly rub their hands in glee, whenever we profess ourselves to be 'Classical Liberals'.

    Friday, November 15, 2024

    The Wastefulness of *Economics* requires labels

    The Wastefulness of *Economics* requires labels
    No doubt there are a number of other labels from systems of 'economic thinking' leaping up for your attention right about now - 'Capitalist', 'Socialist', 'Marxist', 'Communist', 'Fascist', etc., - which we're all expected to get into the game and favor or oppose, but... is there a value in that for you?

    What is that value?

    No, I'm not asking for the arguments for why one of those labels is better than the others - though I'm pretty familiar with each of their arguments for those, that's not what I'm trying to bring to your attention here. Also keep in mind that I'm not in favor of any form of anarchic, minarchic, syndicalist, etc., system, I'm simply asking you to consider what value there is for you, in a system that seeks to manage 'an economy'?

    Again, I'm not looking for your opinion on the various labels within the system of 'Economics', neither am I trying to dismiss the many valid principles of economics ('good money drives out bad', 'no free lunch', 'inflation is a tax', 'quantity theory of money', 'uniformity of profit', and the more technical ones too...), what I'm drawing a bead on is the 'Economic System', as a system.

    When you peak beneath the surface of their arguments, what you begin to notice is that these labels that we are expected to pick and wear, are less about conveying an understanding of either the terms themselves or of the individuals being labeled by them, than with drawing us all into positions within the system where we can be more easily manipulated in a much larger game that's being played (think MLB, rather than the Dodgers or Yankees). In that larger game, each label adds to the contradictory turbulence that's generated within the whole (think Dodgers vs Yankees), and does so within the 'unquestionably' legitimate category of the modern's most favored label of all: Economics.

    So to see what that larger game is, let's start with the usual basic answer given for what 'Economics' is, from a site that's appropriate to the subject, Wikipedia (yes, that's snark), which says:
    "Economics (/ˌɛkəˈnɒmɪks, ˌiːkə-/) is a social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services."
    Which is true enough - especially as it identifies 'Economics' as a Social Science, which is a field that was devised and defined by utilitarians and positivists who believed that 'experts' should be given the 'might to make right', as the basis of their 'scientifically' measuring 'social actions' through a lens which excludes philosophy & morality (what they meant by 'science', is very likely not what you mean by Science), and focuses instead on particular quantitative details of narratives that are especially suited to support their perspectives on how to 'fix' Society. Meaning: You, me, and everyone we know.

    If you were to overlook both the source and lens of 'Economics', you might conclude from Wiki's sentence that its meaning is similar to how 'economics' is identified by some of the better economists, such as Thomas Sowell, who define the subject as:
    "Economics is the study of the use of scarce resources which have alternative uses."
    , but that sense is more reflective of the limited purposes and scope of the field of Political Economy (which we'll get to below) which preceded 'Economics', and which became focused upon studying and identifying what conditions and circumstances most promote or interfere with individuals' ability to produce value, from the bottom up, and the intended and unintended consequences of political efforts to aid politically useful aspects of that process, from the top down.

    The wiki meaning, OTOH, embodies the top-down 'systems view', in which the unstated presumptive ends of 'Economics' institutional purpose, is, as expressed here as 'Applied Economics' from Investopedia, beginning somewhat vaguely as:
    "Applied economics is the application of economic theory to determine the likely outcomes associated with various possible courses of action in the real world...."
    , and more revealingly in its conclusion, that:
    "...As a result, applied economics can inform a "to-do" list identifying steps that can be taken to increase the probability of positive outcomes in real-world events."
    Things xTwitter'rs tell me:
    "..."You aren't adressing the fundamental tension between individual rights & public welfare because you're being ideological. I don't know who is informing your economic theory but it is flawed..."
    , which is justified as being for the 'Comon Good'.

    Maybe it's just me, but I notice that whatever the "... probability of positive outcomes..." it is that they're betting on, the reality of playing the odds with their 'to-do list', is that at least some of us living here in the real-world are going to suffer the negative 'outcomes' from those actions they take, and those imposing these 'economic policies' will offer no further concerns or assurances to those of us living in 'their economy', than to say: 'may the odds be ever in your favor'.

    Just sayin'.

    So then, considering that there's a 100% probability that the economic policies implemented by those in positions to impose them upon us, will follow from the advice given to them by some economists - never all economists, of course, because 'economics' is less a science than a means of playing dice in our lives with - on how best to manage 'their' economy. And since it's true that they will implement their policies, despite the fact that neither of those parties - state or economist - have first-hand knowledge of those conditions affecting your day-to-day decisions on how best to 'manage scarce resources', and despite the fact that they are not the ones who will bear the brunt of the scarcity of resources you may encounter as a result of the unintended (?) consequences of those failed policies that they imposed (do you remember when store shelves used to be well stocked?), and despite the fact that they will bear nothing more than token political responsibility for those policies at some point long after the effects of them have been felt by you in your life...the question I'm asking you, is, where is the value in that system, for you?

    I'm not singling one of those labels out here - try not to get sucked into defending the positions you associated with the particular label you favor - look at the systemic thinking that all of the labels are a part of. What I'm talking about are the consequences of utilizing government power to implement systems " determine the likely outcomes associated with various possible courses of action in the real world..." which will force you to try to manage your own scarce resources by juggling time, bills, profits, and losses, within 'their economy', and then ask yourself: Where is the value in having that system imposed upon you, and me, and everyone we know?

    Adam Smith was a pioneer, rough around the edges, got some things wrong, but the essence of the concept he first brought to light for all to see, which is a concept that has unfortunately become alien to us today, is that the 'Natural Liberty' he described did not involve creating or managing 'an economic system' of government policies (he did not propose 'Capitalism' as a system, Marx did that). What he observed instead, was that by eliminating those governmental policies that interfered with the individuals' ability to manage their own scarce resources, would enable them to better earn a living for themselves, and is what ultimately serves to increase 'The Wealth of Nations'.

    Whatever else he may have gotten wrong, what he got right was that the society which values 'Natural Liberty', is one that respects what you value, and enables you to be productive for yourself, and for those you engage with, and for your entire community, which encourages people to seek after living lives that are worth living.

    A system which looks at what you value, as a means to sustain its 'economy' for the 'common good', is one that is fundamentally wasteful towards what you value, and towards you yourself, because you and what you value, are not what that system values, which is reflected in the lives of those living within that 'their economy'.

    What I want to show for you, and me, and everyone we know, is that 'Economic Systems' are inherently wasteful - some moreso than others - but they are all inherently wasteful to all but those favored few which the system itself must cater to, and no, that's not (necessarily) the 'richest 1%', and no, it's not 'the jooos!' either. Who is it the system caters to? For now, let's just call them 'they', and we'll gradually see who 'they' are, as we go along.

    Once you begin to consider our 'economic system' from that perspective, you begin to realize that the nature of those 'economic policies' that 'they' are managing 'their economy' with (no matter which 'they' currently makes up 'their'), have the very real potential to become as 100% relevant to your life right here & now, as those living in our Founders' generation felt the exceedingly real and very unintended consequences which followed from Adam Smith's advice to Lord North, that to solve the revenue issues of Britain's mercantile system, he only needed to raise taxes on the colonies.

    One of the least bad economists that there has been, Henry Hazlitt, wrote a famous little book entitled "Economics in One Lesson" (which I highly recommend), whose one lesson he stated could be summarized in one sentence, as:
    "The whole argument of this book may be summed up in the statement that in studying the effects of any given economic proposal we must trace not merely the immediate results but the results in the long run, not merely the primary consequences but the secondary consequences, and not merely the effects on some special group but the effects on everyone."
    , and while that is very true... it is not the whole truth, and taking that as a complete answer, diverts us from the much more fundamental questions that should be asked first, and when we fail to ask them, we're subtly led into making every one of the fallacies that his book exposes so well, and make no mistake, 'they' encourage it.

    Obviously I've poked at quite a bit here involving these labels, positions, and systems, and we'll dig into every bit of it, but before doing so, let's first look at one of the better efforts that people recently began to identify with, 'Classical Liberalism', in order to escape from the existing systems, and why it is that it can't fully succeed in that.