Blogodidact's Greatest Hits

Greatest Hits

Solid Ground For Standing Upon:

Metaphysics: Metaphysician: Heal thyself! 1-4
The Real Choice - Metaphysician: Heal thyself! pt1
What the Reality of the Abstract is - 'What is Truth' pt2
What is Truth: 'it is what it is' or it's 'Turtles: all the way down' - 'What is Truth' pt3
'IS' demonstrates that what is objectively true, is where the action is - 'What is Truth' pt4

Causality & its effects parts a-g
A well rounded knowledge of the root causes - causality & its effects (a)
The Causation of egg on our faces - causality & its effects (b)
Of Cause and Causelessness - causality & its effects (c)
Causation Squared - causality & its effects (d)
Distracting You With What Isn't Actually There - causality & its effects (e)
Facts are only as stubborn as you are - causality & its effects (f)
The Logical consequences of either caring about or ignoring 'What Is Truth?' - causality & its effects (g)

Epistemology: You keep using that word 1-6 (+1)
Epistemology: You keep using that word - 1
Epistemology's meaning is meaningless without Reality - You keep using that word 2
Logic: Observing and deactivating the boobytraps of modernity - You keep using that word 3
The Ethics of Epistemology - Escaping the Inigo Montoya Trap - You keep using that word 4
Would you recognize it if one of your beliefs was wrong? How? - You keep using that word 5
Enlightening the Dark Ages once again: Grammar as an Epistemology worthy of the name - You keep using that word 6
Why are our Culture Wars focused upon winning battles instead of winning the war - where's our Gen. Sherman?!

Destroying Society through Social Epistemology (coming soon)
The Reasoning of Individual Rights
* Liberty - It all hangs together, or we all hang separately
* Bloomberg, Obama and the Mosque Mask of Social Vandalism
* What Would the Founders Do? Common Sense says WHO CARES!
* Comments, Socialists, Schools and the Truest Meaning of Left vs. Right
* The Naturally Unnatural Inspiration of the Declaration of Independence

Defending Rights
* "There are no ‘reasons’ for your Rights – stop trying to justify them!"
* "You have No 'Constitutional Rights'. None. Nada."
* "Rights from the source... so to speak"
* "The target is not the 2nd Amdt, or the 1st Amdt, but all of your Rights at once"
* "Abolishing Freedom for the 99%"

Voting: Why, How, and How Not to Vote
* The Unprincipled vote for a 3rd party... or even not voting at all
* When acting 'on principle' is unprincipled behavior - part 1 of 2
* Putting your purpose into action - When acting 'on principle' is unprincipled behavior - part 2 of 2
* It's time to vote - Why? The Primary reason for Voting

Do you know whether you're pursuing Progress or Regress?
* We need to make Progress in understanding what Regress is - pt.1
* Farewell to a friend - The Doubtful Roots of Progress - Progress or Regress pt.2
* Is History, history? - Progress or Regress pt.3
* Beyond the rants: Culture, Seinfeld and the Ferguson Riots - A Society of Culturettes - Progress or Regress pt.4a
* Savagery has a History in the past and the present - Progress or Regress pt.4b
* The Materialist's inversion: When power is not forced to serve Truth, truth is abandoned for Power - Progress or Regress pt.4c
* Goodby 2014: From Gruber to Ferguson, Evil is the new Good - The History of Progress begins with its absence, part 5 a,b, c & d

What do School Libraries Support
1) The Tragic Libraries of Education: 'They're just books'
2) For an Education to be meaningful, its books must be more than 'just books'
3) Our Founder's wrong turn towards Education today - The New Normal
4) Remove this dangerous technology from the classroom: Textbooks
5) Foundations & Compasses - Books are never 'Just books'
6) Disorienting America - the modern thinking behind abandoning True North
7) Never forget that 'Education Reform' is about reforming you
8) Accepting the 'Science!' of Education Reform
9) The 1st lesson from the dark wood of School Reform: Good intentions make a map to Hell unnecessary
10) Pragmatically shifting us off of our Foundations
11) Experimentally reading ourselves into illiteracy
12) The Power of Ignorance: 'Back to Basics' Reform

SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) - Semantic Deception (Presentation Posts - single link)
* The Semantic Deception of SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) - Distrust and Verify - pt 1
* SEL – A foundation in unsettled science - pt 2
* Sell key feature: The 'Competencies‘ of Activism - forgetting to be gotten away with - pt 3
* Intersectionality - The Art of Gaining Power Through the Unthought 'Ohh!' - pt 4
* Dangerous Distinctions without a meaningful difference: SEL, DEI, CRT, CT - pt 5

America and its School Systems are fundamentally opposed to each other
* Civics Classes, and a Future Past
* Schools are closed: Why undo the only bright spot in 2020? - Education or School Systems pt 1
* 'Democratic education' for the humane enslavement of the people - Education or School Systems pt 2
* The Educational Sleight of Hand Inflaming America - Education or School Systems pt 3
* Being an old complaint, doesn't make it less valid, or less dangerous - Education or School Systems pt 4
* Sit down Karen, management can't solve our school systems' problems - Education or School Systems pt 5

The Rule of Law in Progress or Regress
* pt 1: The Lawful scares of October... and beyond
* pt 2:Why a Govt of Laws, and not of men?
* pt 3:Who Benefits from transforming Rules into Laws
* pt 4:We hold these truths to be self evident
* pt 5:Thoughtful Images - Turning to the Rule of Law without turning away
* pt 6a:Snapping snap judgments, lest auld acquaintance be forgot
* pt 6b:Locke's Lab for DIY Political Science Experiments
* pt 6c:Property - The Progress of Cause and Effect into Life and Law
* pt 7:Artificial Reason turns the Pen into the might of the sword
* pt 8:Mutating Justice into injustice: the far reaching properties of Property
* pt 9a:Trick or Treating like it's 1984
* pt 9b: Perverting Progress into Poison - the Doppelganger Strikes Back
* pt 9c: Perverting Progress into Poison - How Pro-Regressives see Regress as Progress

Economic Politics vs Political Economy
* What if 'Free Trade!' Undermines a Free Market and Liberty itself? - Economic Politics vs Political Economy pt1
* Digging in: The Devil is in the details of dollars & sense - Economic Politics vs Political Economy pt2
* Two Liberties and the Futility of Utility - Economic Politics vs Political Economy pt3
* The Economy isn't about economics, stupid! - Economic Politics vs Political Economy pt4
* The Unseen Threat of Economic Thinking - Economic Politics vs Political Economy pt5
* Founders of Ideology: Reducing our vision of Liberty from 3D to 2D - Economic Politics vs Political Economy pt6
* 'Free Trade!'s Begging the Question of Economic Causes - Economic Politics vs Political Economy pt7

Americans vs. America
* Presidents Obama & Teddy Roosevelt's Nationalism vs Original Americanism
* Farewell to a friend - The Doubtful Roots of Progress
* Bundy's Ranch: The Rule of Law, Rights, State Powers and Civil Disobedience
* Welcome to our Party, would you tell us who we are and what we believe?

Modern Madness
* Ad Hominem Ad Hominem Ad Infinitum Part 1
* Behind the Ad Hominem's stand the
* The Low Hanging Fruit - pt 3
* The Trees That Bare The Barren Fruit - pt 4
* Would you trust a liar who told you he was going to lie to you?
* Spreading The Flames
* What never was and never will be - Modern Madness
* Fighting the Method of Intelligent

Race To The Topple
* The Breath of the Beast - "Race To The Top"
* Race To Transform America: "Race To The Top" Educational 'Reform' Program

Our Rotten Common Core Curriculum
* Our School Curriculum's Rotten Common Core - pt.1
* Should the Education of your children include educating the government about your private life? The Rotten Common Core pt 2
* Breaking the Chains – Our Rotten Common Core Part 3a
* You Could Become Educated... but wait...There’s Less! Our Rotten Common Core Part 3b
* A tale of two lessons - Education outside, and inside, wackademia
* Echoes of History Repeating Itself, "This is Cassandra calling: will you accept the charges?"

The Common Core Curriculum's Question: What to do about the parents?
* New answers to a very old question pt.1
* Questioning the goals of the questioners pt.2
* Popular new answers to the same old question pt.3
* The Royal Lie pt.4
* Question: What to do with those who ask what to do about the parents? Common Core State Standards pt. 5

Justice (Posts series in progress...)
* There oughta be a Law
* Teaching Justice at Harvard - NOT!
* Point of order
* What IS Justice? eh.. what is the question again?
* What is Justice: Two mis-States of Nature
* Forgotten Beauty and lost Justice
* Cruising for Justice
* The Contextualy Tortured Thoughts of Man Caused Disasters
* Unknown Conspiracies – You don’t think, therefore, they are
* Louis L'Amour: Laconic Law - From Cicero to Blackstone to You
* Back To The Basics: Where Is Justice To Be Found?
* The Liberal Mind of a Conservative - what may not be known - Must be known
* What does Athens have to do with Justice?
* Athens and America: The Bog Of The Gaps
* What Would the Founders Do? Common Sense says WHO CARES!
* Common Sense Anti-Americanism
* Arbitrary Disasters - The Health of Justice in the Age of Obamao
* Common Sense Conspiracies - a Race To The ... Where?
* No Representation Without Taxation!... Yea...(blink)... WTF?!
* ♫ ♪ ♬ You say you want a Constitution ... wellll ya know, we all want to change the world ♬ ♪ ♫
* A pause for the cause and shoring up the foundations
* Liberty - It all hangs together, or we all hang separately
* "Justice for Trayvon!" = Injustice for us all
* The foolish injustice of calling for "Justice for Trayvon!", after justice has already been served.
* What Justice is to be found in the passionate rejection of the process for attaining Justice?

Liberal Fascism
* Liberal Fascism - Getting to the Root of the Matter
* The New Scholastics Liberal Fascism
* Liberal Fascism: The Spiral of Knowledge

Net Neutrality
* Bill Moyers Thugocratic Speech
* Net Neutrality: Internet Control to InterNet Loss
* Nothing but FCC approved Nuts on the NET?!!!
* The Best of Times, or the Worst of Times?
* Net Neutrality - Casting A Wide Regulatory Net To Neuter Us All - Part I
* The Regulatory State of Mind & the Choices it Chooses - Casting a wide regulatory net to neuter us all Part II
* Net Neutrality and our Economies Surprising Growth Industry - the Regulatory State of Mind Part III
* Net Neutrality - Patriotic Anti-Americanism

What are words for 
* What are Words for? - What Are Words For part 1
* Glamorous Thoughts - What Are Words For part 2
* A not so Merry observation on the eve of Christmas
* But Then Again...
* Looking Heirarchy and Lowarchy

Reasons of Reason
* Do You Have A Reason For Saying That?
* I Wonder Why...?
* That seems reasonable…or what Reason is not
* Spreading the Poison of the Ivy League
* Adding The First Leg to the Three Legged Stool of Reason
* Adding The Second Leg
* Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
* A Summary – Reasons of Reason
* Bogus!

Aha Conceptual Integration
* What is a proper view of Man's Nature? Aha! Aha
* More Ahh... ha-ha-....Aha! Aha Conceptual Integration
* The Gridlock of unintegrated 'Knowledge' Part 1
* The Great and Powerful Wizard Tim warns of the Fierce and Deadly bunny rabbit
* Mis-integrated Rule
* Woven chords of the subconscious

A few posts referencing that modern sewage source of the Nile: Rousseau
* The Trees That Bare The Barren Fruit - pt 4 (2006)
* What is Justice: Two mis-States of Nature (2009)
* You Could Become Educated... but wait...There’s Less! Our Rotten Common Core Part 3b (2011)
* Do you like your iPad? What is it that keeps it in your hands? Hint: it ain't Che or Fidel or Karl.(2011)
* Andrew Breitbart, Rousseau, and Righteous Indignation (2011)

* Govt Healthcontrol? Anyone Remember HMO's?
* Obamacare Violates My Right To Pursue The Healthcare I Choose!
* Govt Healthcare Bill - Those who do not remember the past, are doomed to repeat it.
* Healthcare Mandates Evil 'For The Greater Good' 
* nObama Healthcare plan - what's so confusing about it? 
* Arbitrary Disasters - The Health of Justice in the Age of Obamao 

Van Jones communist 'Contract for America'
* Van Jones 'Contract for America' part 1
* Van Jones 'Contract for America' part 2
* Van Jones 'Contract for America' part 3
* Van Jones 'Contract for America' part 4
* Van Jones 'Contract for America' part 5
* Bringing a knife to a gunfight: A leftie takes a shot at defending Van Jones' 'Contract for America'

Spiritual Economics
* Spiritual Economics 1
* Spiritual Economics 2
* Spiritual Economics 3

God - Looking outside of the box misses the contents
* As it is above...
* Charged thoughts from the depths

Generally relevant
* Pain-and-Suffering
* Disneyland for the Devil
* Replying to Nagarjuna, Chomsky
* Determimystics and Free Will
* Falsehood of absolute Truth
* One in the Many many pieces
* Relevance
* Prayers and Politicians

Summing it all up
* Unknown Conspiracies – You don’t think, therefore, they are
* Dehumanism: The Mystical World of the New Atheists