Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

The once littlest Angel... leaving the nest and getting his wings (USAF) in March... puts the Angel on the Tree....


robinstarfish said...

And a "Merry Christmas" echoing back to you, Van!

JWM said...

Merry Christmas, Van.
Let's ignore the news of the day, and rejoice in the News of The Day.

What th'hell else kin we do anyhoo?;)
wv:unesse. yeah, me too.

John M

Van Harvey said...

You got it JWM!

Thanks all, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

julie said...

Somehow, I missed this one during my travels. I hope yours & the Van family's was very merry indeed, and may you have a wonderful New Year. Congrats on the youngest getting his wings!