Saturday, September 11, 2010

On 9/11, Ground Zero Is... Where?

Where and when are 9/11 and Ground Zero?

Where and when are 9/11 and Ground Zero?

Is it confined to the curbing around the World Trade Center, New York, New York on Sept. 11, 2001?

Just as the enemy who attacked us is not bound to a geographical plot of ground, this day, and it's boundaries, are not confined to a particular spot in place and time. Ground Zero extends from #1 World Trade Center, New York, New York on Sept. 11, 2001, and it extends beyond one block, two blocks, three blocks and further beyond that day, all the way to St. Peters, Mo on Sept. 11, 2010, and beyond... far beyond.

For the next damn fool who says that we should get over it, or that 'Ground Zero' extends no further than the WTC grounds... these pics are for you.

Look at those pictures on the left, and tell me that debris is confined to the area of the WTC, tell me that the entire area of lower manhattan wasn't severely affected by the debris, smoke and stench of nearly 3,000 lives snuffed out.

Look at those pictures on the right, look at the firefighters in St. Peters MO raising the Flag over and across the main thoroughfare of town, and tell me that that day and it's effects, don't extend beyond the borders of the WTC on Sept. 11, 2001, all the way down the today, nine years later.

We are at war with an ideology, and it's homeland (rightly or wrongly) has planted it's flag in Islam, and IMHO, for those of the radicals countrymen, if they do oppose them, they have failed miserably in making that clear, and those who threaten to be 'upset' at our society, IMHO, declare their allegiance against us.

But instead of my usual storm of twenty or thirty thousand words, I'll end with just a few well chosen words for them, "Go to hell", and let these pictures let loose the storm of their thousands of words for themselves.


freespeak said...

Our remembrance does not to be revisited on a constant basis by representatives of hell.
Yes, they can go back to it!

Rick said...

You know, I don't think I'd really have a problem with the mosque if I thought the intentions of the people who want it there were good and their word, genuine. But I don't think it. I don't believe them.

Anyway, maybe it's just too close and too soon in time and space, and someday (not a worse day) it won't feel that way to normal people. This may take centuries, or take Islam centuries. Either way, it ain't today. I'll even go so far as to say I wouldn't feel entirely comfortable (although much more so) with the construction of a Christian church built in the heart of it. Only because it is too new in our minds and that it was a completely evil cause which "made" (in a sense) the place sacred in time and space -- because it is sacred in time and space. I would not feel that way about building a church on say the spot of a miracle. I don't think, anyway.

But this mosque thing, it seems too much like what happened here, to me:
Hagia Sophia

It was Christian and Holy for centuries, was attacked by Islam and then went secular, where it remains. Which seemed to be the mission of the attack.

So what is proper there..? In the first days after the event I wanted us to build towers identical to the originals. Now I think something more like Arlington cemetery. Because the place is sacred, and the old towers would only say that for a little while.

Van Harvey said...

I hear you, but really, how time and the larger perspective of events will see this matter is something I think we can leave to a later time and perspective to determine.

Here and now, not only do we who have no further connection to the Twin Towers than as Americans, have the justifiable right to oppose the gzm on the simple issue of common decency and manners (as well as for philosophical and political issues, not to mention the raw sensibilities of an ongoing war), but in addition, the people there, in New York City, have every right themselves to object and reject the gzm for nothing more than personal reasons.

I made an argument last month, that simply on the basis of property rights - the rights of those who live and/or own businesses in the area, they have the full right as members of the community, through their zoning board, to voice their objections to the gzm, and they require no more substantial objection than that such a thing would be upsetting to them to have to see on a daily basis and even from just knowing that it is in the area.

It is a very routine matter for zoning boards to deny one particular business, organization, etc, permission to build a new location, enhance signage, or expand an existing facility on no other basis than that it would clash with community norms or inflame the passions of a sizable number of residents. Communities typically have zoning board meetings, the individuals make their case for their request, and those opposed to it state their opposition, and the board considers both sides and votes.

That hasn't been done here. Bloomberg & Co. have simply declared that the people who oppose it have no acceptable basis for feeling as they do, and they all should just work on aspiring to the dizzying heights of the Mayor's character traits, and in the meantime - get over it.

That is an outrageous affront to the citizens of New York City, and a violation of their real property rights as residents and property owners.

I suspect that those who oppose the gzm can see November from their street corners.

Rick said...

I think we agree.