Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lunching with Radicals: How to put my actions where my words are?

Lunching With Radicals
I went to a seminar today, given by the man who has had a large hand in helping Tea Party projects, including ours here in St. Louis, to get off the ground and make a national impact, Michael Patrick Leahy. Lots of good information, tips and tactics... which I've got to give some serious thought to, ASAP, so I can begin putting my actions where my words are.

I stuck around afterwards, and tagged along to lunch with Mr. Leahy, and several of our St. Louis Tea Party Coalition luminaries (and Big Government contributors), Bill Hennesy and Dana Loesch and her husband Chris, Gina Loudan, (who started the "Whole Foods Buycott" in support of Whole Foods CEO John Mackey, who had dared speaking out against the healthscare bill) and her husband, former state Senator, John Loudon and their daughter Lyda, as well as one of the bold young guys who put this surprise Gulag protest on at Wash-U, the 'guard', John Burns .

Those familiar with me and my typical longwindedness, may be surprised to hear that I mostly kept my mouth shut, doing my best to soak up the fascinating conversations going back and forth, with folks who are actually making measurable differences in our country - God Bless Them.

BTW, Campus Gulag is taking the world of silly protests back to their parents in wackademia, and skewering school administrator's everywhere - go ahead and click them a few bucks donations in thanks (yes, I did)!

P.S. I'm now a Certified Radical. Cool. I'll keep you posted on what I learn to do with it!


Unknown said...

"P.S. I'm now a Certified Radical."

Did you get a laminated card or a framed certificate?

Van Harvey said...

Got the Certificate... (I'm tempted to make my own decoder ring).

Hope you don't get too annoyed if I end up undoing all of your community organizing efforts.


Yabu (EOTIS) said...

Pissing with the big dogs...wish I'd been there.

xlbrl said...

Neither the state nor the church has ever loved liberty. Radicalism was the sword of liberty. Now, what was conservative is radical, and laissez faire, which was radical, is reactionary. The wheel has gone all the way around--
Garet Garrett